Sunday, October 4, 2009

Zhenrentang Blackhead Nose Mask

- 8g/ packet (usually can use about 3 times)
- transparent color, nice to use
- clean face, apply evenly on nose. wait til dry, about 15-20mins, then tear off
- please use toner after it to tighten pores.

1pc ~ RM2.50/pc

10pcs ~ RM2.00/pc

Crystal Lips Mask

- use this to cure dryness, moisturize, brigthen lips texture and reduce fine lines
- just put on clean lips, 2-3 times per week, or can do an extensive care for applying it everyday

1pc ~ RM2.50/pc
10pcs ~ RM2.00/pc

24K Bone Collagen Quartz Eye Mask

instructions: clean your eyes area, put under eyes, remove after 20-30mins, no need to rinse off. the mask is not reusable
- double the effectiveness of ordinary crystal collagen eyes mask.
- 3 main functions: dark eyes circle, eye puff, wrinkles

1pc ~ RM3.00/pc
10pcs ~ RM2.50/pc

LIYANSHIJIA 24K Active Gold Eye Mask

~ The active gold boost s the blood circulation for eyes, making the active ingredients penetrate the skin around the eyes socket more easily, rapidly abating swelling or tiredness around eyes, effectively removing dark eyes, eye bags, crow's feet.
~ It recover glamor and charm for your eyes

1pc ~ RM2.00/pc
10pc ~ RM1.50/pc

Monday, June 29, 2009

Promotion Price

RM 2 / pack
Buy 6 packs at RM10
Welcome Wholesale !!!
50 packs - RM1.60/pack
100 packs - RM1.40/pack
150 packs - RM1.20/pack
200 packs - RM1.00/pack
Current stock available : 200 packs

Contact Us

Elco Mei
Hp: 016-5134564

Term And Condition

-Payment MUST be done in full!
-Postage is depend on situation.
-COD is available upon requirement of you (Klang Valley).

Shiseido Peel-off Black Mask

This peel-off black whitening pack achieves whitening and deep pores cleansing effect by continuing to deliver active ingredients deep into the keratin layer while simultaneously removing keratotic plugs (comedoes), melanin and old keratin that contribute to dark pores.Eliminates the causes of a dull complexion and maintains pure, white and clear translucency. Also contributes to smoother skin. Formulated with black nano-powder that readily disperses on the skin. It adheres closely, as if bonding with the skin, thanks to its excellent film-forming power, fast dryingand air tightness. It soothes skin suffering from the effects of fatigue and contributes to comfortable firmness and even smoothness. Formulated with five Japanese and Chinese herbal extracts, including wormwood extract and gold thread extracts.
A latest product with special formula by Shiseido to get rid of the stubborn black heads on face espnose area. The ingredients can be easily absorbed by our skin, hence effectively removing clogged pores (black head) so as to achieve tightening and whitening effect.

Usage: 2-3 times usage per packet.

Volume: 12 ml Made in Tokyo, Japan

Product recommended by 女人我最大

Suitable for all skin types.

1. Cleanse your skin as usual.
2. Exfoliate your skin. (Optional, but it would be recommended for the best results)
3. Steam your face (Strongly recommended.)
4. Dry your face.
5. Gently massage mask evenly over dry face. (Avoid your hairlines, areas around eyes, lips, and eyebrows)
6. Leave on for 30 minutes/or until completely dried before peeling off gently.(Peel against your hair growth direction.)
7. Apply toner, serum, and moisturizer.

Shiseido Whitening Peel Off White Face Mask

Developed by SHISEIDO LABORATORIES for Sensitive Skin Care

SHISEIDO Vital Perfection Whitening Mask has whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects. It contains an effective compound which combats skin aging and dulling known as the LAG Revitalizer. THe LAG Revitalizer is rapidly absorbed into deeper layers of the skin, effectively allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients. It fights against dark spots, sun spots, blackheads, and pimples, decreasing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin. Also improve enlarge pores, acne problems, freckles, wrinkles, black spots and enhance elasticity of skin.

After cleansing, gently massage mask cream evenly over dry face, avoiding the eyes, lips and eyebrows. Leave on for 30 minutes before peeling off gently. Follow with your toner and moisturiser.

2-3 times usage per packet

Volume: 12 ml Made in Tokyo, Japan

Product recommended by Barbie Hsu (Da S)

Suitable for all skin types.

1. Exfoliate your skin (optional, but it is recommended for best results)
2. Cleansing (use warm water for best results) as usual
3. Steam your face (optional)
4. Dry your face
5. Gently massage mask evenly over dry face (avoid your hairlines, areas around eyes, lips and eyebrows)
6. Leave on for 30 minutes/or until completely dried before peeling off gently. (Peel in the direction from your chin to your forehead)
7. Apply toner (recommended!)